cover image: CSC meetings and meeting-related events Code of Conduct


CSC meetings and meeting-related events Code of Conduct

7 Dec 2020

This annual report shall summarize the categories of Prohibited Conduct, the range of sanctions issued, the number of appeals to the Chair of the CIC, and the outcome of such appeals. [...] the person designated by the President of the CSC to oversee the administration of the Code of Conduct; (Interchangeably referred to herein as the “President”) as soon as possible following the discovery of the Prohibited Conduct. [...] Upon receipt of a Report, the President will review the Report to determine whether the allegations fall within the jurisdiction of the Code of Conduct. [...] A copy of the decision will be kept in the Office of the President of the CSC. [...] In the case of an oral hearing, if the Chair-CIC is unable to contact the Appellant within a reasonable time to schedule a hearing, the Appellant will be notified at the address they specify on the Appeal Application of the deadline by which they must contact the Chair-CIC to arrange a hearing.


Krista Leroux;Lex Klombies

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