cover image: CIC Slate of Nominations for the Board of Directors and Officers for 2021-2022


CIC Slate of Nominations for the Board of Directors and Officers for 2021-2022

25 May 2021

Paul Smith, MCIC, Xerox Research Centre of Canada Has agreed to stand as a director for a term of one year if elected and has agreed to hold the following office during that term: Past Chair 2021–2022 Paul Smith is Vice President of Xerox Corporation, the Centre director of Xerox Research Centre of Canada, and an officer of Xerox Canada NSULC. [...] In partnership with the National Research Council of Canada, Smith spearheaded the creation of the Canadian Campus for Advanced Materials and Manufacturing – an exciting partnership between government and industry for leading- edge, world-class research and development in the commercialization of Advanced Materials in the field of devices for the Internet of Everything, printed electronics, additi. [...] 1 Smith received his PhD in the field of chemistry from the University of Bath, England in 1991 and in 2001 received an MBA from the Rotman School of Management, at the University of Toronto. [...] She has been a champion for updating the operations of the CSC, including changing the nomination procedures for the Board and Committees to a more open and inclusive system, and adding 2 Director-at-Large positions on the Board to allow Early Career Chemists to serve. [...] She has been a key member of the CIC Governance Task Force (GTF) which has reviewed the governance of the CIC, Societies, and other bodies within our broader organization and made recommendations for a new structure to take us in to the future.


Krista Leroux

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