cover image: The OHTN Engagement Accord


The OHTN Engagement Accord

17 Jan 2020

The OHTN Engagement Accord THE OHTN ENGAGEMENT ACCORD The OHTN Engagement Accord A memorandum of understanding between funded individuals/teams and the OHTN to facilitate engagement of HIV and at risk communities throughout the innovation process – from developing and executing ideas to disseminating findings and influencing policy or practice. [...] The Ministry of Health funds the OHTN to implement and support innovations that informs HIV prevention, care and support services in Ontario and provides evidence to enhance policy and practice. [...] The OHTN, the HIV community and the grantees we support share a We work collaboratively with the AIDS commitment to: meaningful engagement of community – drawing on Bureau and Ontario’s HIV sector to community knowledge and perspective, relevant rigorous investigation, achieve the goals of the new Ontario academic freedom and accountability for the use of public dollars. [...] Collaborate with CIHR, CANFAR and other funders to ensure the most effective use of limited resources to support innovation across all streams, with a particular focus on work that contributes to improving Ontario’s HIV prevention, engagement and care cascade and the enhancement of programs and services for populations living with and at risk of HIV. [...] Strive to conduct and complete excellent, innovative and meaningful data, evidence-sharing and impact activities in accordance with the funding guidelines and in keeping with the approved funding proposal.



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