cover image: Zambia - Public Finance Review : Strengthening Fiscal Governance for Transformative Public Sector Investments (English)


Zambia - Public Finance Review : Strengthening Fiscal Governance for Transformative Public Sector Investments (English)

13 Sep 2024

This Public Finance Review (PFR) discusses the challenges and opportunities in strengthening Zambia's fiscal governance to support the government's ambitious development agenda through transformative investments. It analyses revenue and spending policies and trends over the decade 2013-2022, benchmarking them against peer countries. It identifies revenue-enhancing measures alongside improvements in expenditure efficiency and effectiveness. The report focuses in particular on public investment management (PIM) and SOEs, both of which present significant data quality and governance challenges that mask large fiscal risks and have prevented public returns on investment and growth-enhancing potential from being maximized. Addressing these public investment and SOE governance and transparency challenges will be essential to support economic transformation and prevent the unsustainable accumulation of liabilities in the future.
climate change zambia adaptation public administration public finance poverty fiscal consolidation debt management economic growth economic policy green growth public service delivery transparency fiscal sustainability fiscal balance public expenditure management state owned enterprises public finance management public investment management public expenditure policy macroeconomic vulnerability and debt macroeconomic and structural policies public sector management debt policy macroeconomic stability and growth determinants of growth economic growth policy domestic revenue administration central government central agencies fiscal policy and growth eastern and southern africa economic growth and planning markets and institutions for poverty reduction and shared prosperity environment and natural resource management accountability and good governance state-owned enterprise reform and privatization


Pijuan Sala,Albert, Andrews,Donna Louise, Simumba,Joseph, Abdellatif Ahmed,Lobna Mohamed, Zin,May Thet, Sebudde,Rachel K., Deguenonvo,Mahugnon Stanislas Cedric, Zulu,Francis, Nalishebo,Shebo, Chikuba, Zali, Kalikeka, Mbewe

Disclosure Date
Disclosure Status
Doc Name
Zambia - Public Finance Review : Strengthening Fiscal Governance for Transformative Public Sector Investments
Product Line
Advisory Services & Analytics
Published in
United States of America
Rel Proj ID
ZM-Zambia - Public Finance Review -- P174910
Unit Owning
EFI-AFR1-MTI-MacroFiscal-1 (EAEM1)
Version Type
Volume No

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