cover image: Bridging the Addiction Treatment Gap - 94% 17% 68%


Bridging the Addiction Treatment Gap - 94% 17% 68%

26 Apr 2021

Bridging the Addiction Treatment Gap Despite the surging opioid crisis, only one in 10 Americans with an addiction receives treatment in any given year.1 What is a CCBHC? Meanwhile, decades of funding cuts have left treatment Section 223 of the Protecting Access to Medicare Act of providers struggling to hire staff and expand programs to 2014 established a federal definition and criteria for meet. [...] 94% 17% 68% of CCBHCs report an increase in of CCBHCs have seen a >50% of CCBHCs report a decrease in the number of patients treated increase in their number of new patient wait times, with nearly for addiction. [...] CCBHCs Advancing the Continuum of Addiction Care Acknowledging that people in many communities lack access to the full continuum of medically necessary substance use care, the CCBHC model requires a robust array of addiction treatment and recovery activities. [...] Future of the CCBHC Initiative: Congressional Action Needed The CCBHC model advances addiction care by establishing a sound fiscal footing for certified clinics, reimbursing them for the full range of required addiction services and enabling them to expand service lines and patient caseloads to begin to fill the gap in unmet need in their communities. [...] Bridging the Addiction Treatment Gap Filling the Gap in Unmet Need for Addiction Care Reducing Wait Times for Addiction Care Bikur Cholim (NY) CCBHCs Advancing the Continuum of Addiction Care Launching and Expanding Addiction Service Lines Facilitating Adoption of Medication-assisted Treatment Family Guidance.


Rachel Wainwright

Published in
United States of America