The first target was the improved tremendously over the the 2006 war, roughly 25% of the Israeli military headquarters in years A network of tunnels that rockets fired by Hezbollah “landed Tyre, where Hezbollah conducted runs for hundreds of kilometers on in populated areas, while the rest a suicide attack that killed 75 the Lebanese-Israeli border helps landed in open spaces and caused members of. [...] emphasizes the concerning role in the Middle East, directly harming It must refrain from engaging in that the group plays in the axis Western interests, and tearing full-scale conflict with Israel, which of resistance and its tremendous apart the social fabric in countries entails irreparable political and capability to export its experience such as Iraq, Syria, and Yemen social damage for the gro. [...] Their connection has The operation in Syria also affected Saudi Arabia, and beyond The grown stronger, as stated by the operational conduct of the Lebanese group mentored the Sinwar, who said that Hamas group While costly in blood, the Yemeni rebels in military training, coordinates with both Hezbollah military challenge in Syria helped allowing them to strengthen their and Iran49 According to sou. [...] collaborates closely with the 4th dollars69 Hezbollah circumvented sources unveiled the existence Division to facilitate diesel and the sanctions by taking advantage of numerous front companies gasoline across the border65 The of the ability of Iraqi tourists to take established by Hezbollah across group generates an estimated dollars with them into Lebanon, sub-Saharan Africa72 In 2009, the $300. [...] cannot strengthen with Hezbollah Iraq must be given will indirectly support the aim of Lebanon’s moderates without a stark choice between limiting the lessening the detrimental impact enabling Hezbollah, it must treat influence of Hezbollah or suffer that Hezbollah has on Lebanon the state as a haven for a terrorist from the decreased inflow of hard and the region, while sanctions and organization.
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- Pages
- 20
- Published in
- United States of America
Table of Contents
- Executive Summary 3
- Introduction 4
- Hezbollah’s Evolution 4
- Hezbollah Beyond Borders 7
- Iraqi Militias 7
- Assad Regime 9
- Al-Houthi Rebels 10
- Hamas 10
- Hezbollah’s Diverse Financial Frontiers 10
- Primary Income Generation: Iranian Support and Exploiting Lebanon 10
- Capitalizing on Weak Governance in the Middle East 11
- Legitimate and Illicit Networks in Africa 12
- Latin America 13
- Policy Recommendations 13
- Endnotes 17