cover image: UN Support to African Union–Led Peace Support Operations: What Next for Resolution 2719?


UN Support to African Union–Led Peace Support Operations: What Next for Resolution 2719?

9 Sep 2024

UN Support to African Union–Led Peace Support Operations: What Next for Resolution 2719? SEPTEMBER 2024 UN Support to African Union–Led Peace Support Operations: What Next for Resolution 2719? Bitania Tadesse and Jenna Russo Cover Photo: Representatives from the ABOUT THE AUTHORS African Union Peace and Security Council and United Nations Security BITANIA TADESSE is the Policy Specialist for Afric. [...] Disclaimer: The views expressed in this JENNA RUSSO is the Director of Research and Head of the paper represent those of the authors Brian Urquhart Center for Peace Operations at the and not necessarily those of the International Peace Institute. [...] The authors would like to thank Zinurine Abiodu Alghali, IPI Publications Daniel Yilma Workie, Albert Trithart, and the other individ- Albert Trithart, Editor and uals who generously provided inputs and feedback on this Research Fellow publication. [...] Felix Romier, Editorial Intern This publication is part of IPI’s Peacekeeping Observatory Suggested Citation: series, funded by the French Ministry of Armed Forces’ Bitania Tadesse and Jenna Russo, “UN Directorate General for International Relations and Strategy Support to African Union–Led Peace (DGRIS). [...] 1 What Is in the Resolution and What Needs to Be Further Clarified?.


Bitania Tadesse and Jenna Russo

Published in
United States of America

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