cover image: Small Community Wildfire Readiness Support  - Program Guide

Small Community Wildfire Readiness Support - Program Guide

21 May 2024

Note: If your project includes the following types of training, a certificate of insurance for your project including the Trust as an additional insured, must be submitted to the Trust before the training begins: • structural firefighting; • wildland urban suppression; and • other training activities as required. [...] Wildfire Prevention and Protection Equipment: • adapters; • sprinklers; • chainsaws; • water thieves; • compressors; • wildland gear; • equipment trailers; • ladders; • forestry cutting hand tools; • safety equipment; • firefighting hand tools; • emergency communication devices used • generators; primarily for wildfire prevention and protection purposes; and • portable berms; • other related equip. [...] What types of costs are not eligible? Costs that are not eligible include the following, but are not limited to those that: • are incurred prior to receiving project approval; • take place outside the Basin or on private land; • are the purchase of a vehicle; • are directly pertaining to provincial, First Nations’, or local governments’ legally required emergency preparedness, response and recover. [...] How does the Trust select projects for funding? The Trust often receives requests for more funding than what is available and will prioritize requests from Eligible Applicants that demonstrate: • achievable and measurable wildfire readiness outcomes; • appropriate training, experience and mandate to implement the activities for which funding is being sought; • community susceptibility to wildfires. [...] Eligible Applicants requesting equipment must also demonstrate: • the equipment will be stored on community property; • operators of the equipment will be fully trained in its use; • long-term plans to operate and maintain the equipment; • the equipment will be used for the long-term benefit of the community; • equipment purchases towards developing a FireSmart™ Structure Protection Trailer follow.


Tyson Stoochnoff

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