cover image: 202 - ERF W 4 P s - Deindustrialization and Growth in MENA Countries:


202 - ERF W 4 P s - Deindustrialization and Growth in MENA Countries:

18 Sep 2024

The patterns of deindustrialization in Tunisia, Morocco, and Egypt Figures 1 to 6 present the evolution of the shares of industry/manufacturing in GDP and employment in Tunisia, Morocco, and Egypt. [...] The share of manufacturing in GDP dropped from around 20 percent in the late 1990s to around 16 percent in the end of the observed period (2018) in Morocco and Egypt and 14 percent in Tunisia. [...] In the same vein, the decline in the weight of industry as a whole began earlier, specifically in the late 1980s, driven by the shrinkage of the non-manufacturing sector and the depletion of natural resources. [...] 12 In comparison to the past literature on the relationship between growth and the weight of manufacturing, recent findings point out the declining impact of the latter and the increase in services role, especially modern and high value-added activities. [...] The results reveal that the majority of series are clearly stationary, with the exception of the shares of manufacturing and services in total GDP as well as the openness indicator, all of which are integrated into order one.


Walid Ferchichi

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