cover image: PSSI Perspective #6 - Why Reputation Matters? Disinformation, Online Advertisement and Private Compa


PSSI Perspective #6 - Why Reputation Matters? Disinformation, Online Advertisement and Private Compa

16 Dec 2020

The concept of “commodity activ- ism”, developed by Sarah Bannet-Weiser, professor of media and communications at the London School of Economics, describes the practice of merging consumer behavior with political and social goals. [...] In the Czech Republic the same logic of commodity activism is likely to work in relation to disinformation as 52 % of Czechs consider disinformation a serious issue as revealed in a 2019 study by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. [...] In other words, the risk potentially associated with publicly distancing one’s company from advertising on disinformation websites should be outweighed by the gains from the solidification of the brand’s image as socially responsible. [...] Despite the efforts of Czech initiatives like Nelež and Fair Advertising, which seek to demonstrate to companies that their rep- utation matters, the experts agreed that there is no adequate forum for communicating the issue. [...] The key takeaway here is the pressing need for establishing effective partnerships between the civic society and the private sector.
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