cover image: Contents ● Introduction


Contents ● Introduction

20 Aug 2024

The Biden-Harris administration has expressed a strong commitment to maximize the benefits of the CHIPS Act as part of a broader economic plan to “invest in America, stimulate private sector investment, create good- paying jobs, make more in the United States, and revitalize communities left behind." Two years after passage, tens of billions of CHIPS dollars are about to start flowing to corporati. [...] This report brings together publicly available information on semiconductor companies, analyses of employment data, and worker interviews to make the case that workplace conditions in the semiconductor industry must be improved — and that the CHIPS program must do more to ensure that the billions of public dollars being invested in the industry actually create the good jobs that have been promised. [...] Because of its massive investment in the industry, the federal government has the authority and leverage to compel firms to improve conditions and ensure that the funding to be doled out by the CHIPS Act goes to producing good community-sustaining jobs instead of just enriching executives and shareholders at the taxpayer’s expense. [...] The CHIPS program represents a historic opportunity for the federal government to use the power of the public purse to transform this key industry into one that can both meet the growing demand for semiconductors and create high-quality jobs for a diverse, empowered labor force. [...] To ensure a sufficient supply of qualified workers to meet semiconductor demand, more should be done to guarantee that the jobs created by the CHIPS Act are attractive and accessible to a diverse set of workers.


Sarah Anderson

Published in
United States of America

Table of Contents