cover image: Cultivating Conflict  - How Astra Agro Lestari, Brands, and Big Finance


Cultivating Conflict - How Astra Agro Lestari, Brands, and Big Finance

24 Jun 2024

The report documented and Evading Responsibility, details the failures land grabbing, environmental degradation of most of AAL’s buyers and financiers to and pollution of water sources, permitting hold the company responsible for ongoing irregularities, and the criminalization of violations by enabling AAL’s conflict palm oil to environmental human rights defenders linked be sold on the global mar. [...] decided and does not reflect the demands The recommendations provided in AAL for remedy and redress put forward by and Eco Nusantara’s 2023 report sought to communities that have suffered at the hands maintain the status quo and absolve AAL of AAL and its subsidiaries. [...] Notably, the Government of Central Sulawesi recommended the return of 283 hectares of While AAL says it is committed to improving land from PT ANA to farmers in April 2024.32 its FPIC policies, practices, and systems moving While communities’ and farmers’ claims to land forward, AAL has a responsibility to ensure taken by PT ANA and other AAL subsidiaries grievance redress and remedy to communitie. [...] One of the main causes applied for the required release of forest of protracted land conflicts in Central and areas.36 Despite a Supreme Court ruling, the West Sulawesi is the government’s failure to government of Indonesia refuses to publish provide legal clarity regarding customary land cultivation permits for public review37—hence ownership and to recognize the land rights scientists, civil soc. [...] land to communities and farmers that was taken without their consent; provide z The Indonesian government should compensation for loss of lands, crops, facilitate the return of land taken by AAL and livelihoods; support environmental without consent to communities and restoration of damaged forests, rivers, farmers and evaluate the legal status and waterways; end criminalization of of AAL subsidia.
Published in
United States of America

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