cover image: N - uclear Law Bulletin No. 104 NEA


N - uclear Law Bulletin No. 104 NEA

18 Sep 2020

The 2017 Act provided a security clearance procedure for foreign nationals comparable to the security clearance under the regulations on the protection of classified information, where the national security authority of the employer country performed it on the request of the employer. [...] The employer with whom the person will be employed or for whom they will perform the work collects the prescribed certificates and submits them together with the proposal for security clearance to the Ministry of the Interior, which, based on the data from its records, data from the Slovenian Intelligence and Security Agency, Intelligence and Security Services of the Ministry of Defence and data o. [...] Decree on the criteria for determining the compensation rate due to the restricted use of areas and intervention measures in nuclear facility areas The amendments to the Decree on the criteria for determining the compensation rate due to the restricted use of areas and intervention measures in nuclear facility areas are mainly related to the establishment of a new basis for calculating compensatio. [...] The activities of the GRWP are financed by a Fund (named “Fund to Finance the Activities Planned in the GRWP”) regulated by the sixth additional provision of the Law 54/1997, of 27 November, on the Electricity Sector, declared in force by Law 24/2013, of 26 December, on the Electricity Sector. [...] The draft of the 7th GRWP establishes a reference scenario based in the following elements: • a gradual cessation of NPP operation, which implies the definitive shutdown of the seven operating reactors between 2027 and 2035, as defined in the Protocol agreed to by Enresa and the owners of the NPPs, which is based on the draft of the Spanish National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan.



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