cover image: Bangladesh - Aquifer storage and recovery technology for irrigation water supply


Bangladesh - Aquifer storage and recovery technology for irrigation water supply

7 Jun 2024

The aim of the technology was to reduce the salinity of groundwater and enhance agricultural productivity at the study site. [...] This case study aims to determine the efficacy of the ASR system in the agriculture sector and assess the potential health hazards of aquifer contamination. [...] Team The collaborative team included researchers and partners from the Bangladesh Uni- versity of Engineering and Technology; the Bangladesh Agricultural Development Corporation; and the Krishi Gobeshona Foundation, Bangladesh. [...] The presence of a ‘mound formation’ inside the water table of the ASR system, in comparison to the surrounding ambient observation wells, suggested the occurrence of surface/rainwater percolation (movement through the soil) and subsequent re- charge of groundwater. [...] At a local level, the NGO and the farmer who implemented the ASR system, serve as principal stakeholders and recipients of the study’s outputs.
Published in
United States of America

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