cover image: Crisis in an Interregnum

Crisis in an Interregnum

10 Sep 2024

In the post-Cold War era that followed the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of As the Cold War unfolded and the the Soviet Union, the great powers were competition between the US and the Soviet in harmony with each other. [...] China switched from an alliance with the Soviet Union in the 1950s to the forging Renewed tensions between the West and of a productive political and economic Russia, on the one hand, and between the partnership with the US and the West in the US and China, on the other, as well as the 10 | focus “partnership without limits” between Beijing and Moscow have set in motion an intense geopolitical riv. [...] now that it has dazzled the world by being the first and the only country to land a lunar While the US has one of the largest and most probe on the far side of the moon and to lethal nuclear arsenals in the world, China have flown back safely to the earth with lunar has never disclosed the exact number of its soil. [...] The situation in the Middle East and its T“here is a pressing trajectory in the near- to medium-term future hinges on the region’s ability to address its need post-7 October multitude of crises, notably the Palestine to review and question and the Iranian issue. [...] The transition from the unipolar world that began with the end of the Cold War and peaked in the 2000s has risks but also creates spaces for it to contribute to shaping the emerging regional and global order.

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