cover image: Meaning and Value  of Inheriting  JAPANESE HOUSES - Written  by  the  "Inherited  Housing " Research  & Investigation Committee of  JUSOKEN


Meaning and Value of Inheriting JAPANESE HOUSES - Written by the "Inherited Housing " Research & Investigation Committee of JUSOKEN

16 Oct 2018

If an architect designed the house, the architect may become famous and the value of the house might rise as a unique work of the architect, possibly rising even higher than the value of a new house. [...] In the case of the two Tokyo buildings, they could be preserved thanks to the convergence of three fortunate factors: the strong determination of the owner, the obvious value of the house, and a welcoming recipient for the donation. [...] Change the Permission of a superintendent of Application for the Commissioner for Permission of a superintendent of current Permission of the Commissioner for Cultural Affairs is required. [...] At the same time, as a way to share the historical artifacts of past great civilizations, ruins and remains were exploited for the purpose of encouraging a public sense of belonging to the modern nation. [...] Among these buildings of a typical historical house in Bunkyo ward, the main building, the Western style building (both 1911), the storehouse [Figure 2] In the gate: the storehouse (1920), and the gate (1911) were on the right side looks like a fort registered as a Registered Tangible Cultural Property selected by the central government.



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