cover image: Policy Paper  - Alleviating Energy Poverty in Romania and beyond


Policy Paper - Alleviating Energy Poverty in Romania and beyond

27 May 2021

The findings will inform policy decisions at the local and regional levels, in particular for the Eastern European Context and against the backdrop of the evolving Just Energy Transition. [...] The concept was truly mainstreamed in 2009 with the ratification of the third Energy Package (TEP), which explicitly outlined the obligations of member states to protect vulnerable consumers in the energy market and to draft definitions for the terms energy poverty and vulnerable consumer. [...] What is more, and maybe one of the most contested measures enacted, was a slow- down of the process of energy market liberalization through a provision that allowed for a continuation of the regularized price system for the entire population in order to prevent price hypes on the market. [...] In Romania the climate and energy strategies and policies generally provide for the existence of an important starting point for the Government to commit to the operationalization of interventions in the area of energy poverty, especially as most of these refer to the vulnerable consumer and energy poverty as priority targets. [...] Alongside objectives related to access to clean energy, improvement of the infrastructure, increased economic competitiveness and better governance of the energy system, the document talks about the protection of the vulnerable 018 adelphi Policy Paper on Energy Poverty consumer and the reduction of energy poverty.


Jakob Hoffmann - adelphi

Published in
