cover image: The Company of Biologists Travelling Fellowships Applicant Handbook - Please read thoroughly before submitting your


The Company of Biologists Travelling Fellowships Applicant Handbook - Please read thoroughly before submitting your

13 Mar 2020

The Company of Biologists Travelling Fellowships Applicant Handbook This handbook will help you to complete your application and to understand the terms and conditions of the Journal Travelling Fellowship. [...] How are applications assessed? An Editor of the journal to which the application has been submitted will referee the proposal, being an expert in the area of research covered by the journal. [...] Details of travel should include dates of the proposed visit which may be provisional at the time of application, but should be confirmed prior to your visit if the Travelling Fellowship is awarded. [...] We may also use your personal data relating to the Travelling Fellowship, including your name, your institution, the host laboratory/institution and the project title, to include on our website to promote you as a successful applicant for the grant, and also to promote our Travelling Fellowship scheme. [...] We are unable to ‘top up’ the fellowship in the instance that the actual cost of travel exceeds the funding awarded.


Bridgette Hudson-Farmer

Published in
United Kingdom
