cover image: FINAL_MY 2020 HEDIS for the Quality Rating System Technical Update (Final Formatting Done


FINAL_MY 2020 HEDIS for the Quality Rating System Technical Update (Final Formatting Done

30 Sep 2020

With this release, NCQA freezes the technical specifications for HEDIS for the Quality Rating System, with the exception of measures that require pharmacy data and the Risk Adjusted Utilization measures. [...] The NCQA Download Center does not list the VSD as “October 1 version” in the Item Name column, but the updated version date will display in the filename once the file has been downloaded. [...] Users of the HEDIS measures and specifications shall not have the right to alter, enhance or otherwise modify the HEDIS measures and specifications, and shall not disassemble, recompile or reverse engineer the HEDIS measures and specifications. [...] The UB Codes in the HEDIS specifications are included with the permission of the AHA. [...] 34 General Guideline 24 Date of Service for Laboratory Replace the fourth paragraph with the following two paragraphs: Tests When abstracting laboratory tests from the medical record for use in hybrid reporting or for nonstandard supplemental data, the documentation must include the test date and the result (or evidence that the test was performed).



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United States of America