cover image: Obtaining the MLD. Obtaining the updated Value Set Directory (VSD).


Obtaining the MLD. Obtaining the updated Value Set Directory (VSD).

25 Sep 2020

The NCQA Download Center does not list the VSD as “October 1 version” in the Item Name column, but the updated version date will display in the filename once the file has been downloaded. [...] 7 Reporting Data Errors to Reporting Data Errors to Add the following sentence to the end of the first paragraph: NCQA NCQA NCQA reserves the right to publicly display the information on the reported issue, including, but not limited to, the affected organization, the specific data error and the associated resolution. [...] HEDIS/CAHPS reporting Remove the following text at the end of the paragraph: Organization for unit Refer to HEDIS Reporting for Accreditation, below, for the definition of a reporting unit. [...] 35 General Guideline 33 Date of Service for Laboratory Replace the fourth paragraph with the following two paragraphs: Tests When abstracting laboratory tests from the medical record for use in hybrid reporting or for nonstandard supplemental data, the documentation must include the test date and the result (or evidence that the test was performed). [...] 216 Statin Therapy for Patients Data Elements for Reporting— In the “Number of required exclusions” row, replace the language in the Administrative column with With Diabetes Table SPD-1/2/3: Data “Rate 1.” Elements for Statin Therapy for Patients With Diabetes 290 Cardiovascular Monitoring for Eligible Population— Add the following text as a new bullet and dash under the second dash: People With C.
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