cover image: Polish Journal of - Political Science - Volume 6 Issue 1 (2020)


Polish Journal of - Political Science - Volume 6 Issue 1 (2020)

8 Mar 2021

In the situation of the crisis of values, notions associated with nationalism, namely language, tradi- tion and ultimately the nation itself, as the categories striving after good for the ethnic and cultural community of fate, have become a space of mobilization. [...] Do we need homelands?… 13 A dimension of social love is the homeland: the sons and daughters of one nation persist in the love of the com- mon good that they derive from culture and history, finding therein the support of their social identity and at the same time providing this support to their fel- low countrymen. [...] Among other things this involves the cre- ation of suitable conditions of development in the fields of culture, economics and other spheres of the life of the social community. [...] Let us note that what the Holy Father wrote about the genealogy of a na- tion harmonized with his lecture on the genealogy of a per- son in the Letter to Families.21 Such an approach allows for emphasizing two important ideas: first, that the dignity of a nation arises from the dignity of the persons who consti- tute it, and, second, that this truth and the depth of the geneal- ogy of both the per. [...] That is why – as the Council for Social Affairs of the Conference of Polish Episcopate wrote in 2017 in the document entitled The Christian form of patriotism – both in the context of human rights as well as the wisdom of the Gospel all attempts at raising one’s nation to the highest status in hierarchy should be considered inadmissible and Do we need homelands?… 27 idolatrous.
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