Regulatory Framework The Mining Act The Mining Act 1978 (WA) (Mining Act), accompanied by the Mining Regulations 1981 (WA) (Mining Regulations), is the principal legislation governing mining in Western Australia. [...] The holder of a mining lease can mine the land, extract minerals, and conduct any other operations that are necessary for the purpose of mining production.3 Unless a mining lease is being applied for under a State Agreement (see below), a mining lease application must either be accompanied by: • a mining proposal; or • a statement outlining mining intentions and either a mineralisation report or a. [...] A permit allows its holder to enter onto private land to search for any mineral, conduct marking out and remove mineral samples for assaying or testing; this does not permit carrying out any other mining activities or otherwise disturbing the surface of the land.12 The permit holder must serve the permit on the owner of the land on the first occasion they enter the property. [...] If the owner is not present on the land at that time, the permit holder must place a copy of the permit in a prominent position on the dwelling or main entrance of the land, and post the permit to the owner within 48 hours.13 In granting a permit, the Mining Warden may require the applicant to pay an amount that would provide reasonable compensation to the owner/occupier for any damage caused duri. [...] Visit: Mining Notices (Mining Tenement Application Advertising) If there is no objection to the grant of a prospecting licence, the Mining Registrar can grant the licence.22 If there is no objection to the grant of an exploration licence or mining lease, the Mining Registrar will make a recommendation in relation to the grant of the exploration licence or mining lease to the Minister, who will mak.
- Pages
- 8
- Published in
- Australia
Table of Contents
- While every effort has been made to ensure the information is accurate the EDO does not accept any responsibility for any loss or damage resulting from any error in this factsheet or use of this work. 1
- This factsheet was last updated on 2 September 2024 1
- Regulatory Framework 1
- The Mining Act 1
- Mining Act 1978 Mining Regulations 1981 1
- Mining Act Mining Regulations DEMIRS Minister 1
- Attachment A 1
- A license permit or lease providing rights to explore for andor extract minerals under the surface of 1
- The Environmental Protection Act 2
- Environmental Protection Act 1986 2
- EP Act EPA 2
- Mining Act 1978 WA Mining Act ss 48 and 66 respectively. Mining Act s 85. 2
- Mining Act s 74. Mining Act s 74A5. 2
- Filter search results by entering mining lease number which needs to be prefixed by an uppercase T 2
- Mining Act s 5. 2
- DWER 3
- The Mining Rehabilitation Fund 3
- MRF 3
- Mining Rehabilitation Fund Act 2012 3
- Mine Closure Plans 4
- Landholder Rights 4
- Permits 4
- 30 days 4
- Mining tenements 4
- Mining Act s 84AA. 4
- Mining Act s 271. Mining Act s 29. 4
- Mining Act s 28. Mining Act 1978 WA s 321. 4
- Mining Act s 311. 4
- Mining Act s 305. Mining Act s 306 6a. Mining Act s 292. 4
- Having Your Say 5
- Notification of Mining Tenements 5
- Objecting to the grant of a Mining Tenement 5
- 35 days 5
- Mining Act s 29. 5
- Mining Regulations r 7. Mining Act s 331a. 5
- Mining Act s 332. Mining Act s 297b. 5
- Mining Act s 422. 5
- Mining Act ss 592 and 752. Mining Act ss 421 and 591. Mining Regulations r 1463. 5
- 21 days 6
- Hearings before the Warden 6
- Mining Act s 751Aa. 6
- Mining Act ss 421B 591B and 751Ab. Mining Act s 433 594 70D4 754. See Mining Act s 1321. 6
- Contacts and Further Information 7
- Mining Regulations r 1651. Mining Regulation r 1654. 7
- Attachment A 8
- Mining Tenements Comparison Table 8
- Prospecting Licences Exploration Licences Mining Leases 8
- Size 8
- Duration 8
- Approving Authority 8
- Is notification required 8
- Objection rights 8
- Appeal rights 8
- Evaluate this resource a 8