That the Canadian Institute of Health Information (CIHI) have the necessary resources to work collaboratively with the provinces and territories, and other stakeholders, to develop: (1) a national public, community-based, and private health expenditure data series; and (2) comprehensive mental health and substance use health system performance indicators. [...] While the provision of health care is the primary responsibility of the provinces and territories there is a significant leadership role that the federal government can play when it comes to improving and expanding access to accessible and inclusive mental health and substance use health programs, services and supports. [...] 3 | P a g e To provide a more transparent and mutually accountable relationship between the federal, and provincial and territorial governments, CAMIMH continues to call on the federal government to pass a companion piece of legislation to the Canada Health Act called the Mental Health and Substance Use Health Care For Al. [...] 2023 4 | P a g e Recommendation 2 That the Canadian Institute of Health Information (CIHI) have the necessary resources to work collaboratively with the provinces and territories, and other stakeholders, to develop: (1) a national public, community-based, and private health expenditure data series; and (2) comprehensive mental health and substance use health system performance indicators. [...] As all governments consider how to effectively integrate mental health and substance use health programs, services and supports into their respective health systems, CIHI needs to have the focus and capacity to capture the breadth of mental health and substance use health expenditures across the public, private and community-based not-for-profit/charitable sectors.
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- Pages
- 6
- Published in
- Canada
Table of Contents
- Canada Health Act 2
- Mental Health and Substance Use Health Care For All Parity Act 2
- Mental Health-Substance Use Health Report Card Youth Mental Health Fund Wellness Together Canada Canada Mental Health Transfer 3
- Canada Health Act Act 4
- Mental Health and Substance Use Health Care For All Parity Act 4
- Canada Health Act 4
- Act 4
- Health Workforce Canada 5
- That the Canadian Institutes of Health Research CIHR increase its funding for mental health and substance use health research. 6