cover image: P olicy  B rief


P olicy B rief

3 Sep 2024

Taking but failed due to the intervention of the Japanese advantage of the age-old enmity between the kamikaze that swept all his ships away from the Chinese and the Mongols, Japan had acquired Japanese ports.17 an unusually strong position in northern China, especially after the creation of Manchukuo. [...] the activities of ‘Manchukuo Nair’ following the On the economic front, a variety of large, description compiled by Figges’ predecessors.25 heavy industrial projects were star ted with The net ef fect of Nair’s work was that the the assistance of the Japanese zaibatsu. [...] Manchukuo the new institution, and they invited Nair to assumed high priority in the Japanese scheme join the teaching faculty dealing with National of things given the circumstances.28 and International Psychology.31 The institution was under the control of the Manchukuo Tokyo thus decided to step up both gover nment’s Ministr y of Education and 25 Ibid.,p.136. [...] the High Command in Tokyo to the military attachés in all the Japanese diplomatic missions The British establishment, by means of abroad.36 its extraterritorial rights in Shanghai and other areas in China, maintained an effective The strain of the never-ending China war presence. [...] Nair’s gains Following the end of World War II and during his China tours were the knowledge India achieving its independence in 1947, an of the devious espionage measures utilized entrepreneurial business venture in the form of a by Britain and the US.
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