cover image: Realising Rights for Women and Children - ActionAid Ireland Strategy 2017- 2021


Realising Rights for Women and Children - ActionAid Ireland Strategy 2017- 2021

13 Jun 2017

With the link between women’s rights, public services, and Tax and Inequality now decidedly more mainstream public concerns, along with growing campaigning movements in Ireland, Europe and beyond there is a real opportunity to link global north and south on similar issues and to engender solidarity and actions and link to the growing women’s movements across the world. [...] The strategy sets out the following overarching goal: To achieve social justice, gender equality and poverty eradication by: shifting and redistributing power and resources, strengthening the resilience of communities and movements, and fulfilling the rights of people living in poverty and exclusion. [...] Women and leaders from the African communities with whom ActionAid works will directly link with women, girls and men in Ireland to empower them to reject the practice of FGM and to gain equitable access to healthcare and other services. [...] Through active participation and support of the Irish Refugee and Migrant Coalition (IRMC) and other social movements in Ireland, ActionAid Ireland will add value and impact to protect vulnerable people in their countries of origin, in transit and within Ireland. [...] The IRMC aims to facilitate the sharing of information and analysis and to advance policy responses to the migrant and refugee crisis and the global movement of people.
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