cover image: APPLYING THE BEHAVIOUR CHANGE WHEEL FRAMEWORK Key Steps - ActionAid Ireland and UCL Centre for Behaviour Change have developed a field guide to


APPLYING THE BEHAVIOUR CHANGE WHEEL FRAMEWORK Key Steps - ActionAid Ireland and UCL Centre for Behaviour Change have developed a field guide to

21 Oct 2020

S T E P 1 : O U T C O M E I D E N T I F I C A T I O N A N D B E H A V I O U R S E L E C T I O N Outcomes are the broad goals of a development programme and are established with the participating communities, e.g. [...] The identification of target behaviours is expressed in the 4 W’s of Behaviour Change: what needs to change in whom, where, and when? Where there are multiple potential behaviours to target, programme workers and community members can rate them according to how likely it is that the behaviour will change, the impact making such a change will have on the outcome, and the degree to which there will. [...] This process is known as the Behavioural Diagnosis and is guided by the COM-B model which outlines the necessary conditions that need to be in place for a behaviour to occur: Capability – having the physical and mental ability to do the behaviour (e.g. [...] S T E P 3 : D E V E L O P I N G T H E I N T E R V E N T I O N Once the influences on the target behaviours have been identified the next stage is to generate ways to bring about change in those influences. [...] B C W A P P R O A C H I N A C T I O N : R E D U C I N G S E X U A L H A R A S S M E N T I N P U B L I C B U S E S I N N E P A L The below diagram illustrates how the ActionAid Nepal team used the BCW approach to tackle sexual harassment in public buses:.


Mary Teresa Mc Bride

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