cover image: TO STEM THE TIDE: - Climate Change, UNMISS, and the Protection of Civilians


TO STEM THE TIDE: - Climate Change, UNMISS, and the Protection of Civilians

15 Aug 2024

Our mission is to support communities affected by conflict in their quest for protection and strengthen the resolve and capacity of armed actors to prevent and respond to civilian harm. [...] Today, CIVIC has a presence in conflicts and capitals throughout the world, where it collaborates with civilians to bring their protection concerns directly to those in power, engages with armed actors to reduce the harm they cause to civilian populations, and advises governments, the United Nations and multinational bodies on how to make life-saving and lasting policy changes. [...] CIVIC’s strength is its proven approach and record of improving protection outcomes for civilians by working directly with conflict-affected communities and armed actors and by drawing on research for evidence-based policy engagement and advocacy with decision makers, practitioners, and influential actors. [...] CIVIC extends its appreciation to officials and staff of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) for sharing their valuable time, as well as representatives of UN agencies, funds, and programmes, humanitarians, and subject matter experts—including from UN headquarters—who provided valuable insights informing the research and feedback on the report draft. [...] The lived experience and perspectives of South Sudanese civilians must be at the center of an understanding of the country’s compounding protection, conflict, and climate risks, and we are sincerely appreciative of the dozens of women and men who were willing to share their views with CIVIC.
Published in
United States of America

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