cover image: TNO EARLY RESEARCH PROGRAMS  - Annual Report 2020



2 Mar 2021

In the next chapters the progress in these ERPs is described in a concise form, agreed with the ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate, including a description of the setting of the research in national and international context, highlights of results obtained, cooperation in the ecosystems that we pursue, use cases and contextual dynamics. [...] Concerning the commercialization of the results of the project the following actions have been taken: - Ongoing discussions with companies in the user committee of the Interreg project LUMEN and experts from the Chemelot Campus - Industrial partners involved via Interreg program LUMEN and H2020 project SPOTLIGHT After analyzing the results, publishing in scientific journals have found more interes. [...] We have developed the shear force AFM, approach the sample and a control loop for the tip implemented the control loop and successfully sample distance; approached the probe on to a reference sample and performed a topography scan over the sample. [...] 2 Optical transmission losses determined from the We have completed the optical design to excite the laser to the tip and from the tip to the detector probe with the laser, collect he fluorescence from the tip and image the probe and the sample on to the camera. [...] 4 Conceptual understanding of the Achieved: evaluation of some effects of the neural dependencies/effects in the implementation of a network dependencies (example: new choice of the process designed to make use of AI, identifying the propagation distance) and understanding of the “most information-carrying intermediate output” as solutions given by the neural network, both the “known the basis for.
versie 3.2


R. Abel

Published in
