cover image: Atlantic Council - Justice Fair Play Initiative: - The key to improving


Atlantic Council - Justice Fair Play Initiative: - The key to improving

30 Jul 2024

To begin addressing these gaps, it is imperative to understand and Why invest in the Colombian Justice system? define the right to access justice as an action that extends beyond the initiation of legal cases and focuses instead For the United States, investing in a more effective and on ensuring greater efficiency and case completion. [...] Universidad Javeriana, the project aims to bridge the knowledge gap concerning the private sector’s perceptions The lack of efficiency in Colombia’s justice system has sig- (large, medium, small, and micro-sized companies) and ex- nificant implications for the future of foreign investment, periences of the Colombian justice system. [...] Table 1: Distribution of Companies Surveyed in 2023 These interviews were conducted to facilitate under- standing of the challenges and opportunities facing Distribution of companies by sector of the economy the judicial and administrative delivery of justice in Colombia. [...] 7 Microenterprises account for 95.3 percent of the country’s companies, small enterprises 3.5 percent, and medium and large enterprises 0.9 percent and 0.3 percent of the national total, respectively, according to a March 2023 report from the Office of Economic Studies of the Colombian Ministry of Commerce, Industry, and Tourism. [...] uphold the principles of the rule of law, which are funda- mental for the functioning of a democratic society and the To effectively tackle these challenges, the study rec- protection of all citizens’ rights, including those of the busi- ommends a holistic approach aimed at enhancing the ness community.
Published in
United States of America

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