cover image: Science Meets Regions 2021-2024 :Advancing evidence for policy at local and regional level early outcomes and impact


Science Meets Regions 2021-2024 :Advancing evidence for policy at local and regional level early outcomes and impact

23 Sep 2024

“Science meets Regions” (SMR) originated in 2016, in the wake of a series of high level “Science meets Parliament” events organised by the JRC. It was soon realised that a thriving science for policy ecosystem at EU level requires an equally solid evidence-informed framework at local and regional level, where policies are actually implemented. It was this gap that SMR set out to fll, through a range of instruments (policy events, innovation camps, studies and pairing schemes). The present report draws some tentative conclusions and looks at early impacts of the programme. Overall, the SMR initiative reveals a strong demand for regional science-policy exchange activities, with many organizers eager to address local challenges by bringing stakeholders together. The EU’s leadership, particularly through JRC’s fnancial and methodological support, was crucial and highly valued. Most organizers reported positive experiences, showing the initiative successfully energized a cohort of organizations and advocates. Innovation Camps were notably effective in engaging diverse participants and encouraging new methods. To enhance future impact, recommendations include deeper government involvement, better preparation phases, and targeted regional support. These insights are essential for shaping EU policies to strengthen science-policy connections and promote regional development.
innovation scientific cooperation research report eu member state research policy regional policy consultancy policymaking


Joint Research Centre, European Commission, Stroobants, Karen, Bleasdale, Ben

Catalogue number
KJ-06-24-158-EN-N KJ-06-24-158-EN-C
European Commission: Joint Research Centre, Stroobants, K. and Bleasdale, B., Science Meets Regions 2021-2024 – Advancing evidence for policy at local and regional level early outcomes and impact , Publications Office of the European Union, 2024,
Published in
Regional policy and regional economies , Research policy and organisation

Table of Contents