cover image: Rootedness to prevent forced migration - WHAT ARE THE LATEST DEMOGRAPHIC TRENDS IN MIGRATION?


Rootedness to prevent forced migration - WHAT ARE THE LATEST DEMOGRAPHIC TRENDS IN MIGRATION?

24 Feb 2021

opportunities ■ Access and • Access and management of fertile land and the ability to sustain harvests and adapt to management of land for climate change to improve agricultural productivity sustainable and adaptive • Community participation and leadership when linked to opportunities that directly agriculture. [...] the intention was analyzed as a continuum from the ‘certainty’ of migration to the total rejection of the migratory option, the most important push factors were related to discrimination and exclusion within communities. [...] The perception of the difficulty in securing a job in Guatemala is indirect contrast to the belief that it is relatively easy to secure work in the U. [...] Poor farmers suffer from: • Lack of ownership of fertile land • Lack of resources required to invest in irrigation and/or inputs to improve the productivity of the land • Lack of knowledge on the most effective practices to mitigate the effects of climate change and natural disasters • Lack of access to fair and formal credit to invest in the land Iván Palma/CRS • Low and unpredictable wages assoc. [...] forced migration in Central America • Data were analyzed at the individual and group level and regression analyses were used to determine the weight of different factors on the likelihood of migration and develop profiles of those most and least likely to migrate.


Rickert, Laura

Published in
United States of America