To help achieve SDG 6, WHH works to reduction, gender equality, climate action, and education advance projects that increase access to WASH for individuals and drives progress in these areas. [...] of active projects with a 120 WHH has focused on improving gender equality through WASH component initiatives such as the promotion of Menstrual Hygiene Management for women and girls in rural Uganda and Total volume of active WASH 100 million supporting the participation of women in Tajikistan’s social life projects EUR through safe public toilets and health-promoting campaigns. [...] In Burkina Faso, for from WASH interventions are systematically incorporated to example, up to 320,000 students are provided with access to ad dress malnu trition in a holistic way. [...] WELTHUNGERHILFE’S KEY APPROACHES For the past 60 years, WHH has built a diverse portfolio of ● Providing capacities and services to key actors and WASH activities including water supply, sanitation ser vi ces ser vice authorities and hygiene behavior change, but also projects promoting ● WASH in Schools, Menstrual Hygiene Mana gement, WASH Utilizing and strengthening existing district and n ationa. [...] NETWORKS & PARTNERS WHH has access to a broad network in the WASH sector, which provides opportunities for exchange with research, sector platforms, publication of lessons learned, and access to international forums.
- Pages
- 2
- Published in
- Germany