cover image: SB60_Synthesis Report_Ocean and Climate_SBSTA Dialogue_2024


SB60_Synthesis Report_Ocean and Climate_SBSTA Dialogue_2024

11 Jul 2024

Parties are in need of additional guidance on how to There is a clear need for increased cooperation fully leverage ocean-based measures in their national and synergies within the UNFCCC and across strategies, and highlighted the role of the Dialogue in frameworks, especially the Convention on Biolo- carrying forward the conclusions of the Global gical Diversity, the High Seas Treaty, and the 2030. [...] He recalled that advance international ocean observations and the themes and the structure of the 2024 Dialogue research, and to put ocean knowledge to use for better were chosen based on the March 2024 consultation, ocean management and sustainable development – and on the idea of building on the outcomes from the including in the context of NDCs and NAPs. [...] Moreover, as the global popula- ton continues to grow, the report also stresses that Presentation by Valentina Germani, Senior Legal Officer, UN Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea The UN Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the The Division also serves as the Secretariat for the UN Sea (DOALOS) serves as the interim Secretariat for the Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). [...] Many Parties thanked the Conservancy, on behalf of the Global Offshore Wind co-facilitators and the secretariat for their efforts to Alliance, stressed the importance of offshore wind and convene the Dialogue, as an effective forum to marine renewables as vital to achieve net-zero advance ocean and climate issues both within the emissions and protect marine biodiversity, and convention and beyond. [...] the Dialogue in the Ways Forward of the Decision, and Chile welcomed its ocean-climate nexus outcome that Several participants addressed the topic of marine CDR encourages countries to integrate the ocean and (mCDR), highlighting the need for caution given the lack coastal blue carbon habitats into their NDCs for both of scientific evidence on the impacts of geoengineering mitigation and adaptatio.


Marine Lecerf

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