cover image: DIGITAL CAPITALISM - The digital trade agenda - WEEK 4

DIGITAL CAPITALISM - The digital trade agenda - WEEK 4

30 May 2024

When contracting digital service providers, a country could include contractual clauses in its public procurement system that require the data to remain in the country and for the state to be given access to it for the purpose of designing public policies or, in the future, its own systems to replace the service provider, achieve economic independence, and contribute to digital industrialization. [...] The purpose of including this clause in free trade agreements is to ensure that in the event of the WTO moratorium not being renewed, the commitment is upheld by means of the range of FTAs that have been signed. [...] This is because the tech companies sell the data of potential customers to the companies that sell such goods, without the need for the consumer to have given their data to a particular company. [...] The members of the Global Digital Justice Forum consider the GDC as an important milestone that could (as the UN SG asserts in his Report to the Commission on Science, Technology and Development) become an opportunity for Governments and other stakeholders to revitalize international cooperation in the light of the dramatic changes that have taken place in digital technology. [...] Therefore, limiting the competition and allowing the monopolization of the market and the information is a new way to kick the ladder to digital industrialization in the global south.

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