cover image: Keeping a Promise: Case Studies and Annotated Resources for Promise Neighborhoods Sustainability


Keeping a Promise: Case Studies and Annotated Resources for Promise Neighborhoods Sustainability

15 Oct 2024

Promise Neighborhoods grantees are working toward a bold vision of improved outcomes for children and youth in their communities through an integrated cradle-to-career pipeline of services. While grantees are funded for a 5-year grant period, achieving this community vision will take much longer. Therefore, planning for sustainability is a critical component of any Promise Neighborhoods strategy. No two Promise Neighborhoods grantees can achieve sustainability in the same way, but this brief provides some key themes for all grantees to consider. This brief describes the Promise Neighborhoods program, its grantees, and their approaches to sustainability and includes case studies that present some of these approaches. It also provides a list of resources for sustainability planning. The intended audience for this brief is Promise Neighborhoods grantees and other community- or place-based initiatives.
education children and youth early childhood education metropolitan housing and communities policy center nonprofits and philanthropy k-12 education place-based initiatives


Megan Gallagher, Emma Fernandez, Ariella Meltzer

Published in
United States of America

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