cover image: PERSPECTIVES IN DEVELOPMENT An Exercise in Worldmaking - Best Student Essays of 2014/15


PERSPECTIVES IN DEVELOPMENT An Exercise in Worldmaking - Best Student Essays of 2014/15

7 Dec 2015

The first essay explores the underpinnings of the anti-immigration movement, questioning if it is in fact a social movement? The aim is to understand the driving forces of the movement so as to counter it effectively. [...] The second part will focus on the characteristics of the anti-immigration movement, providing the example of the Patric Europeans Against the Islamization of the West (Pegida) movement in Germany. [...] Sadjad: The Young and Non-Western in the Netherlands Integration Discourse between the problem and the policy; arguing that the relationship might not be natural but a product of certain ways of thinking about the problem and its enactment in governance. [...] Elite Racism and the Absence of Identity, Citizenship, and Inclusion The style of the press release depoliticises integration into a matter of statistics, ignoring the bias of defining integration based on the standards of the dominant group. [...] Although this is a large topic Development Encounters: An exercise in worldmaking | 37 OPM-Erasmus boekje Essays-Binn.indd 37 07-12-15 12:41 Carmel Rabin: The Paradox of Liberal Internationalism: Tradition, Racism, and the Case of Zwarte Piet that has been the subject of numerous studies, the scope of the current research is limited to the role and actions of the state.
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