cover image: Erarmus Brochure 001.indd


Erarmus Brochure 001.indd

2 Dec 2016

This period saw the consolidation of economic powers to the propaganda of the dictatorship such as the Masagana 99 which actually was linked to the Green Revolution saw the emergence of high-yielding varieties and modern chemical inputs to the country’s granary. [...] Conclusion Indeed, the lost cultural and historical meaning of brown rice in the Filipino diet can be attributed to the historical moments when rice millers were introduced to the Philippines by the colonizers enabling the sudden shift of diet from brown rice to white rice. [...] Historically and in recent times, the Green Revolution phenomenon tied to the second food regime altered rice planting and farming perspectives of farmers in the Philippines, Marcos’ Masagana 99 program, rice crisis in 2008, the WTO quantitative restrictions on rice import were also explored to see the inter- connectedness of the brown rice to the over-all rice situation in the Philippines. [...] Nevertheless, the process of identification and registration of those private ini- tiatives has been also a source of conflict, given the need of the government to homogenise the information to account for the national and international con- servation goals. [...] 32 Erarmus Brochure 001.indd 32 2-12-2016 14:08:28 Context The education system in Mexico is the product of a long ideological struggle that started after the country’s Independence in 1810, but settled its principles in the Political Constitution of 1917.1 The State assumed the responsibility to deliver free and compulsory basic education in order to insert the country into the path of progress (.
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Eranmus Brochure 001.indd