cover image: Canadian Astronomical Society Société Canadienne d’Astronomie 52 Annual General Meeting


Canadian Astronomical Society Société Canadienne d’Astronomie 52 Annual General Meeting

17 Jun 2021

In the following, [Name1/Name2] refers to the name of the mover (Name1) and the name of the seconder (Name2). [...] However, through the winter and spring, the Coalition met with the federal Chief Science Advisor’s office, with represen- tation from the office of the Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada, as well as with the Finance Department. [...] Second, following the AGM, the CASCA Board will meet the Equity and Inclusivity Committee and the LRP Community Recommendations Implementation Committee to build a robust consultation and implementation plan for the LRP recommendations. [...] The session was deliberately planned for the first day, both to give it a high billing, and to orient the community for the discussions that would come later in the week (such as at the TMT and LRP sessions). [...] Indeed, experts delivering Indigenous awareness training recommend taking some personal time to reflect and recover and we aimed to provide the same opportunity to our community o Finally, there was the practical consideration that we were trying to build- up to the big discussions later in the week, by starting with this awareness session, then moving on to the very specific topic of TMT and fina.


Sara Ellison

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