cover image: bulletin - Better bodies with biomaterials: - How ceramic and glass contribute


bulletin - Better bodies with biomaterials: - How ceramic and glass contribute

17 Nov 2020

Ceramic Society, and The Glass Art International Year of Glass steering com- What if we could bring people together Society endorsed the idea in a presenta- mittee is preparing a presentation to in a global initiative to raise awareness of tion to the Office of the United States be given in early November to the UN this influential material? Mission of the United Nations in New General Assembly. [...] Agustin Santos, the Spanish recent initiative spearheaded by the ICG president Alicia Durán formally Ambassador to the UN, has guided the International Commission on Glass introduced the initiative to the ACerS required resolution through the General (ICG) to have 2022 declared the community in a “Letter to the Editor” Assembly, and he will present the propos- International Year of Glass. [...] International Year of Glass: national) and spreading these activities If you wish to become a supporting From conception to a thousand to the planet will be some of the tasks institution, you can register your inter- endorsements that we can face, and solve!!” est on the official International Year The idea for an International Year of of Glass website at . [...] The United States repre- back to the 1660s, when German-English Sales of high-strength glass are expect- sents the second-largest market (25.2%) officer and scientist Prince Rupert of the ed to continue rising at a single-digit rate with estimated sales of $8.0 billion while Rhine, Duke of Cumberland presented during the next five years due to a num- Europe is expected to reach slightly over the f. [...] Regardless biocompatibility and osteoconductivity, pyrophosphate and monocalcium phos- of the location, the regenerated bone i.e., the ability of bone-forming cells in phate monohydrate for their ceramic, from the bioceramic had a composition the grafting area to move across a scaf- which they mixed with glycerol to form similar to that of the native bone.
Published in
United States of America
