cover image: Final_She Leads in Crisis Report_3.3.21


Final_She Leads in Crisis Report_3.3.21

3 Mar 2021

Performance on funding and partnerships below 50% of the World Humanitarian Summit targets is characterized as “unsatisfactory”; between 50% and 74% as “approaching”; and 75% and over as “satisfactory.” For the two indicators on staffing of UN agencies (indicators 6 and 7), actors who fell short of the stated target — fewer than 40% of women in leadership positions in humanitarian contexts, and le. [...] Resourcing Women’s Organizations in Crisis-Affected Countries In the years since the World Humanitarian Summit, donors and aid agencies have taken important steps to prioritize women’s rights and voices in fragile and conflict-affected states and in humanitarian responses.30 Several governments, such as Sweden and Canada, have adopted feminist international assistance policies,31 and the UK govern. [...] In a similar manner, the 2015 Global Study on WPS indicates that “despite the wealth of evidence highlighting the benefits that investing in women can bring in terms of conflict prevention, crisis response and peace, the failure to allocate sufficient resources and funds has been perhaps the most serious and persistent obstacle to the implementation of the women, peace and security agenda over the. [...] One of CNAP’s objectives is to promote and protect women’s and girls’ human rights, gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls in fragile, conflict and post-conflict settings. [...] The strategy emphasizes that everyone must have an equal right to contribute to and participate in the political life, in the economic development and in the social and cultural life of a society.


Jessica Keaton Young

Published in
