cover image: the SAA archaeological record


the SAA archaeological record

7 Aug 2006

The passage of the National Historic Preservation Act in 1966, the National Environmental Policy Act in 1969, and the Archaeological and Historic Preservation Act in 1974 led to a tremendous increase in the amount of archaeological research. [...] In the Netherlands, and indeed in most of Europe with the exception of the U. [...] The Rhine was the have been written by the archaeological community, the major difference northern frontier of the Roman empire from the 1st through between the two is that work according to the standard is obligatory in the early 5th century A. [...] Editing metal detector survey, photography, soil classification, and field and the ability to evaluate the writing of others and the ability to conservation of artifacts and samples. [...] The ability to understand and communicate the social rel- table portraits of the argumentative archaeologists who evance of the archaeological field to all the different publics is made those rediscoveries.
Published in
United States of America
