cover image: ADVOCACY  REPORT - Sept-Dec 2020



29 Mar 2021

Anglican Missions sought to assist the most vulnerable in the immediate aftermath of the cyclone and launched appeals to help fund the support of response. [...] New Zealand China Friendship Society Promoting Goodwill In November 2020, the national president of the NZ China Friendship Society gave a presentation to Wellington members, in honour of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, that reminded members of China’s historic journey from the bottom to its current position as a global power. [...] The presentation reminded the members of the main things that the organisation advocates for: understanding and goodwill between the people of NZ and China by encouraging visits and trade; fostering interest into the study of China; supporting aid projects in China; promote the study of the Chinese language by New Zealanders; foster on-going development of all connections between NZ and China; and. [...] This was done with the intention of following up on the health outcomes of local children and preventing and reducing the rate of stunting and malnutrition in the village. [...] The campaign invited individuals and organisations around the world to call for the prevention and elimination of violence against women and girls.


Victoria Cammell

Published in
New Zealand