Carol    - Director: Todd Haynes Ratings info: infrequent strong sex


Carol - Director: Todd Haynes Ratings info: infrequent strong sex

23 Jun 2021

Carol Director: Todd Haynes Ratings info: infrequent strong sex Synopsis About the film Carol is a US drama set in the 1950s Todd Haynes returns to the melodrama genre in his 2015 about the relationship between a adaptation of Patricia Highsmith’s novel, The Price of Salt. [...] Classification Issues In terms of classification issues, the film’s rating is predominantly a result of a single issue that occurs in a single scene in the film: the sex scene. [...] In particular, the inclusion of breast nudity, which is quite frequent during the scene, and the strong implication of oral sex imbues the scene with a strong level of detail that requires a 15 rating. [...] The film’s portrayal of homophobia is sensitively handled, clearly critiqued by the film’s narrative and reflects the social context of the 1950s in which the film is set. [...] In what ways do the two women compare and contrast? In what ways does the film reflect the social politics of the 1950s? Consider the way in which the film highlights the role of women and attitudes towards homosexuality.
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United Kingdom