cover image: Evaluation of German Doctor's Project   Baraka Health Center


Evaluation of German Doctor's Project Baraka Health Center

18 Mar 2021

The community level outcomes touched on a wide range of changes within the community and how these changes have contributed to improved health outcomes and general quality of living for the target community. [...] This evaluation found BHC’s interventions relevant in that they fit the context of the area and realities of the target group. [...] Effectiveness: Baraka Health Center has focused on the provision of affordable quality primary healthcare services, improving nutritional status of the vulnerable individuals and households, and supporting other critical facets of the community life such as income generation with the aim of enabling beneficiaries to have dignified lives. [...] The evaluation also revealed that outcomes dependent on direct access to healthcare services are only sustainable if a trusted and affordable health provider is at the disposal of the target community, underlining the need to ensure financial well-being and a fully operational BHC. [...] The five components of BHC have been transformative and the design was appropriate to the context.


Schulte, Annika

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