cover image: GERMAN DOCTORS VISITORS PROTOCOL  - Visitors Planning Information


GERMAN DOCTORS VISITORS PROTOCOL - Visitors Planning Information

23 Apr 2021

Visitors Code-of-Conduct Every visitor, who requests to visit a German Doctors project, must read and sign our visitors code-of-conduct and agree to uphold our commitment to protect the safety, security, privacy and dignity of children and vulnerable adults. [...] Background Information Prior to arrival, visitors should try to gain a basic understanding of the culture, politics, economy, and security of the country and area to be visited. [...] Visitors Code-of-Condoct German Doctors is committed to protect the safety, security, privacy and dignity of children and vulnerable adults in all our projects. [...] I will not re-visit a project without the knowledge of German Doctors and without the company of an authorized staff member. [...] I will not use computers, mobile phones, photo and/or video cameras to exploit or abuse children and vulnerable adults, or produce and share photos and/or film material without prior approval by the authorized staff member and the voluntary consent of the person involved or legal guardian.



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