cover image: Nichole Noel Price, Ph.D.


Nichole Noel Price, Ph.D.

10 Jun 2021

Community ecology, population dynamics, and coral-algal interactions, and larval fish and coral recruitment. [...] 2015 Ocean Acidification and Pacific Coral Reefs: Understanding potential impacts towards development of local solutions, hosted by UC San Diego and the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Stanford University, and the Reefs Tomorrow Initiative, Honolulu, HI. [...] 2013 Coral Recruitment in the Indo-Pacific and Caribbean and Ocean Acidification Workshop, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST), Japan. [...] Proceedings of Coral Lab, National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium (NMMBA), Pingtung, Taiwan and Moorea Coral Reef Long Term Ecological Research (MCR-LTER) Joint Meeting. [...] Price, Curriculum Vitae, April 2018 2008-now Reviewer for Science Reports, Ecology & Evoultion, Marine Ecology Progress Series, PLOS ONE, Invertebrate Biology, Coral Reefs, Proceedings of the Royal Society, B, Marine and Freshwater Research, and the Journal of Phycology.



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