cover image: Catalyst Initiative at The Minneapolis Foundation 2019 YOUTH CULTURAL HEALING SUMMIT - Thursday, October 17, 2019  |  9:30 a.m. – 4 p.m.


Catalyst Initiative at The Minneapolis Foundation 2019 YOUTH CULTURAL HEALING SUMMIT - Thursday, October 17, 2019 | 9:30 a.m. – 4 p.m.

26 Nov 2019

17, 2019, the Catalyst Initiative at the Minneapolis Foundation and Marnita’s Table brought together over 300 community members from across the state and nation for the Youth Cultural Healing Summit to lift up youth leadership, cultural healing and intergenerational wellness. [...] These centerpiece performances drew on personal and collective experiences with historic, primary and secondary traumas and engaged participants in learning and practicing methods for restoring breath, a sense of physiological safety, and wellbeing through cultural and holistic practices. [...] During this session, members of Sisters in Strength walked through “Where the Garden Blooms: A Zine” by survivors and their allies and shared best practices for zine-making as a form of radical self-care and healing justice. [...] Below are examples of the questions and responses we received: We asked: What are the practices that help move intergenerational healing? Is there anything we could do individually and/or as a community to begin to address trauma across generations (both historic and present-day) and its effects on our neighbors and ourselves? • Eating together • Ask for help • Storytelling – sharing stories • Tal. [...] Very good learning and developing knowledge on working with youth.” “The program today and facilitation was excellent.” “I love bringing together food and meaningful, humane interaction.” “I really appreciate and value the safe space for people to connect and enjoy each other and learn.
Published in
United States of America
