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Education Equity in the Age of COVID-19View the report

21 Aug 2020

Another option is to provide the information and support necessary to the students’ caregivers so that they can complete the assessments and return the results. [...] On the Roles of Assignments, Assessment, and Grading To support the academic, cognitive, social, and emotional development of students during extended periods of remote learning, educators should consider the fundamental role of assignments, assessment, and grading to support learning. [...] To ensure assignments and assessments serve formative purposes and support learning, they are used as vehicles to provide useful and informative feedback to students, answering students’ questions: • How did I get here? • What can I do next and what else can I try? • And why should I care? Remote Teaching and Learning: Education Equity in the Age of COVID-19 5 To be true to the formative purpose o. [...] Remote Teaching and Learning: Education Equity in the Age of COVID-19 6 School Finance Considerations in the Context of COVID-19 The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has highlighted the interconnectedness of each component of the educational system and simultaneously laid bare the deep inequities that lurk within. [...] The onslaught of the crisis may point to the need to reprioritize state funding so that more dollars are also provided to counselling and other forms of emotional support for students and the adults in their lives.
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United States of America