This latter point is suggestive of the temporary role of the work from the worker’s perspective, 1Examples include the UK’s new Employment Rights Bill and a Supreme Court ruling on Deliveroo riders’ eligibility for collective bargaining; a bill in the Netherlands proposing the abolition of ZHCs; the Fair Work Amendment Bill 2020 in Australia; and in the US, California Assembly Bill 5, the Gig Is U. [...] The second is the distribution of the worker-level coefficient of variation (CV)—the standard deviation divided by the mean—which has the advantage of being unitless. [...] The key dif- ference is the change in the right-hand side variable of interest, which is now the total number of permanent leavers (measured in hours), and the specifications are now at the job-establishment- week and establishment-week levels, respectively. [...] 23 Figure 12: Proportion of ZHCs vs Local Unemployment Note: The figure presents a bin-scatter plot of monthly probabilities of a workers being on a ZHC at the for The Company against the claimant count divided by the working age population at the Local Authority where the establishment is located. [...] The interpretation of β10 is the percentage increase in the number of applicants if the job is advertised as a ZHC, compared to a permanent posi- tion in the same establishment-job, controlling for establishment-year, job-year, and year-month fixed effects.
- Pages
- 43
- Published in
- United Kingdom