cover image: Climate change and social justice Gender differentiated vulnerability to climate change Immaculate Mogotsi


Climate change and social justice Gender differentiated vulnerability to climate change Immaculate Mogotsi

21 Jun 2021

Immaculate Mogotsi Outline • What is social justice in the context of climate change • Shared Responsibilities for social Climate Justice • Social justice issues and climate change governance • Inclusion and accountability in climate change related decision- making What is social justice in the context of climate change •Climate emergency affects us all: •Drought in Namibia & cyclones in Mozambiqu. [...] • Developed countries have the resources and means to adapt and mitigate to the impacts of climate change. [...] Social justice issues and climate change governance • Developed countries availed Climate finance to support developing countries through: • Global Environmental Facility (GEF), enabling developing countries to invest in nature, and supports the implementation of biodiversity, climate change, and desertification. [...] • Climate Change Fund (GCF), to support the efforts of developing countries in responding to the challenge of climate change. [...] • As African policy makers, leaders and decision makers what is our role in ensuring that climate justice is attained for Africa? Gender walk exercise • Assume the following identities: Take 2 steps ahead if you are able to participate or qualify as a beneficiary • An unemployed and unskilled 30 years male • A 58 years old Marginalised woman and grandmother of 4 children under 8 years old • A 52 y.



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